Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New MP3 player for Xmas!

Just ordered my iTouch for Xmas. :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Cousin Birthday at Owen Restaurant

Stolen some pics from my cousin blog. Sorry Nic! =)

Anyway, I've not been updating my blog lately so I thought this could be a chance for me to post something about my cousins birthday that occured last weekend.

Beloved Qiqi & Jianyu Birthday! Hope you like the pressies by my gf and myself

Damn! Now I just realised that I look muscular(huge) in the photo, that explains why my dear was hiding behind me. =?

Lastly, I am not involved in this pic which I dunno why either, probably I'm too old for them? C'mon, please call me in the next time, I'm not that old yet! Hee

Saturday, December 6, 2008

On Standby This week!

Bleah... This week it's me on standby again! What should I complain about?

I'm Lovin' It!