Mood: Devastated
Music: Aaron Kwok Classic Songs
Supposedly to help dan to order his mac today at nus, but most of my friends are having exams till lunch. Hence no luck. Gotta ask my friend to do it on next Monday. No Choice!
Afternoon got hooked by my sis to accompany her.. Grrr.. went down to amk hub to look for her.. wasting my time there.. but in the end, got treated at New York New York, the food there I can say is pretty average, or maybe i kinda no appetite, dunno what the reason either. Got rewarded a tee from bossini, "cool" brand huh... just like the design of the tee, hence didn't think twice and got it. Its the popeye design.. think its their new design this season.
Shall post the pic later on when i switch over to my lappie. Just took a pic of the food we ordered.. Too many people there... cant flash my camera around. Not very nice..
To cut the story short, few of us went down and we waited patiently, in fact I waited for 1.5 hours.. LOL cos i reached too early! -__-" He gave us each our breakdown of our marks for that subject, and most of us didn't get graded for one of our assignment that is worth 20% of our final grade. We were so shocked! Haiz... think I'm not gonna talk much on this issue, totally lost interest in this school already ever since my first semester here in SIM. Didnt really tell anyone though.. probably the rest of us do feel the same like me. ESPECIALLY my cousin, DANIEL!!! RIGHT??
Cant be bothered about the grade anyway, just mail it over without even bother to check if its working. As what my msn personal message says, "If you feel happy and give me 5marks for it, then go ahead! else its okie...." :X
Okie, enough of all these shit I have vented out earlier on, let me show u this soft toy manz! Cute uh? It comes with a stick connected to it.. wonder what is it for? Anyone?
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