Mood: Tired
Music: None
Today, I went for my last tutorial lesson on my 214 subject. The tutor still didn't repent himself after giving him so many chances since tutorial 1. The lesson was still as plain as ever, ppl started buying food into the lesson and treat it like watching a movie. LOL. And my friend actually commented so loud about the lesson in the toilet when HE didn't know the tutor is inside one of the cubicle until i stopped him, and we both sneaked out hurriedly n quietly.
Went over to HIS house to try to finish up my assign on rpc. Toughest assignment so far and on top of that, its in bloody C++ language. Hope i can survive this coming exams which is like 10 days more to come or less.
Apparently, I tried to finish my connection part despite seeing lot of errors in the beginning. Now gotta wrap up all the stupid logic bugs which i didn't do properly at HIS house. Too distracting when i am doing work and he watch KANG XI in front of me. darn! Left around 6pm and going over to meet sis for dinner at suki. Janet, sorry hor! haha didn't wait for u guys to eat after exams. Dan was invited but he didn't wanna come, not sure why too. Anyway, took a pic of it when the waitress delivered our food.
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