Seems like I'm not updating my post on a everyday basis these days. Maybe my friends were right! I will get tired of blogging. Let's hope I can prove them wrong okie. I'm also hoping I don't abandon this blog.
Anyway, by looking at the title, I believe you must be thinking something bad has happened to me. HEE.
I've decided to wear more casually to work starting today, so hereby i wore a tee and jeans to work today. Upon reaching office, i went to request for my pedestal and a laptop lock. I was so excited after receiving them. But apparently I have some problem using them. First, one of the pedestal draw was slightly faulty, spent some time fixing it, finally it can close properly, so tried to test out the key attached, wrong key!
#1 Next, as it's my first time using the lappie lock, so i consulted my colleague for help, she fixed the chain thingie for me and again I'm testing out the key for the lock. Doesn't work! But she manage to make it work after her hand of midas touches it. Sounds so strange ya, but now it's really seasoned! What an early start of the day for me. =S
Was feeling sick today, down with a flu and sore throat. So thinking of going to our company clinic downstairs to collect some medication. After reaching there at around 11.34am, realized that their session close at 11.30am. Damn!
#2Luckily everything went quite normal until my meeting after lunch. It started pouring when it reaches 3pm, which was the time i need to walk over to a pretty far place for meeting. Got myself wet!
#3 Inside my mind was, this meeting would be a hard one cos it seems like the god was stopping me to go there. LOL. Tend to think of silly things when bad things befalls on you. Fortunately, the people there were great, around my age range. Funniest thing was my HP friend was there. =D
After walking back to my company, quickly put down my stuff and headed to the clinic, reached there around 5pm. I heard some printing noises coming out from the door but it still Locked! Arghh!!! I think the doctor don't like me. But seems like it more to my own fault for not being early.
#4 Shall visit again tomorrow if I'm still unwell. Pray hard!