Thursday, December 20, 2007

Singnet Customer!

I am so happy that my set up works! Reached home around 12+ last night, had a small problem as in why my lappie can access the internet through my router, called Dan for help but in the end we both gave up. Has decided to call up Singnet helpdesk this morning. We MUST make full use of their service else they will be out of job, isn't it? :P

Apparently, the thing that we have overlooked was the DNS address... Whereby this word sounds so familiar to me. I should have know this problem long ago. But even if I know its the problem, the ultimate move is still to call them up. Cos I do not have the IP address as well. HEHEHE.

What matters most is I can access INTERNET now! COOL... The moment I load my blog, can see the speed really pumping up within seconds, I'm referring to my imeem music loading bar, when I was using MOL last time, it crawls! And yet I'm paying so much more every month and get CONNED (porky will have something to say again!) .... Humph! Currently, I am using 3Mbps compared to my premium plan which is 6.5Mbps last time. See the difference!

We enjoyed the food yesterday, jerem (Dan's bro) almost vomited in the toilet. LOL! That sounds really funny when he used to be someone who can clean up the whole table. HEHE! Can see that he really slimmed down a fair lot. Shall upload those stupid pics later when i finish packing up the mess I have done last time while trying to set up the connection. My bed is in a MESS! HELP HELP HELP!! Porky Get ya ass here and help out! =)

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