Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Inconsistent Entries lately..

Seriously, the only thing I would to do after returning from work is bathe, slack awhile, surf internet awhile then proceed to bed. The time really accelerated so quickly that I never even noticed it. Trying so badly to fall asleep by 10pm latest is almost impossible to the clock within me. As many of my friends do know that I need a buffer time to fall asleep, that's the disadvantage for being a light sleeper, or rather I am the odd and rare one out.

It's already Wednesday today, just passed the mid of the week which is kind of relief to me. That also means I only need to wake up at 5+ for two more days and I will be reverted to normal working hours. In fact, other than waking up early, I feel it's rather good at the least the morning transport is covered by company when I take a cab to work. =P Been learning pretty smoothly for the past few days, understudy someone and get to know each other better each day! Coming to the end of the 'training' week, which means I will be learning more things and getting higher responsibility for the upcoming phase of learning. Hopefully, things can just come in at the right pace so that for slow people like myself can pick up and execute the right steps.

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